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美国饲主 John 的来信








  在前不久的某个夜晚,小黑在我们前院咬死一只浣熊. 那时约翰正好链着小黑去溜狗,小黑察觉有一只大只的浣熊座在我们屋子前的平台,小黑注视了几分钟,然后开始攻击,我大声的叫着约翰赶快拉开小黑.




  有一次我骑着马带着小黑时看到两只鹿正要穿过马 路,小黑一察觉到马上站的挺挺的注视着牠们,我大声的喊不准攻击,小黑听到后就乖乖的跟我走,当我们离开时小黑还回头看着牠们,所以牠的眼睛是可以搜寻 东西的.小黑也许是把鹿当成大只的狗.



  小黑有时候会睡在我女儿房间.当我女儿要睡觉但还没有开门时小黑会站在门前吠直到有人打开门让牠 进去.牠有时候就是如此的有趣.

  我们打算围一个五英亩的栅栏让小黑在里面奔跑,给牠戴上震动项圈,如果小黑太靠近界限时就会发出哔哔声,如果再靠近就会发出震动.小黑是一只很聪明的狗所以我相信牠很容易就可以学会.相信在栅栏完成 后牠会是一只快乐自由的狗.



乔 戴斯蒙


Dearest Daniel,

I hope that you remember me. Mr. Chen watched our dog, Mr. Black, and you were kind enough to translate letters for us to him. I am hoping you would do the same again.

Dear Mr. Chen,

I am so sorry that I haven't written earlier. Just got busy and here it is almost May already. Mr. Black arrived in October in fine health and spirit. There was snow on the ground when he came and he didn't even blink at it. You would have thought he had see it before as he paid absolutely no attention to it. I want to thank you for taking such wonderful care of our dog. He was so healthy and clean when he finally came home. I remember he was pretty beat up looking when we left him with you. I also appreciated the pictures you sent of him. I will try to get some in the mail to you if you could send me your address. Mr. Black has adapted so well the the new home here in Wisconsin. He doesn't really have a lot of hair and when it was 15 degrees below zero I got him a little coat. He looked pretty funny but he was warm.

Mr. Black is a wonderful, wonderful dog. Everyone who meets him wants to know "what is he?" and just loves him. He has a very kind personnality and soul. However, the other night Mr. Black killed a raccoon in our front yard. John had just put him out, on a long lead, and then noticed that a large raccoon was sitting on our deck. Mr. Black walked up to it and just looked at it for a minute. Then all hell broke loose and they tumbled off the deck. I yelled at John to pull Mr. Black back as a coon would rip him apart. Mr. Black is only 39 pounds and the coon must have weighed close to 30 itself. Raccoons are very nasty and strong and vicious when cornered. They have been known to maim and even kill coon hounds. The next morning there was a dead coon in the yard. Not a scratch or mark on Mr. Black.

I was sorry that Mr. Black killed the raccoon as they really don't bother you if you don't bother them, but very happy he wasn't hurt. He did look very proud of himself.

Mr. Black is very gentle with other dogs and even cats....if they don't run.

My daughter asked for kittens for her birthday. I went to the Humane Society and brought home 3 tiny little babies. They weighed less than two pounds as they were only 6 weeks old. Mr. Black is so gentle with them and I think he thinks they are his babies. They are always together and play and romp around. I think at first he thought the raccoon was a cat and probably wondered why it didn't run.

I took Mr. Black for a ride today and on the way home two deer ran across the road. Mr. Black sat up very straight and looked and looked. I had to slow down so as not to hit them and Mr. Black's ears were so far forward I thought they might pop off. As we passed them Mr. Black turned around so he could keep his eye on them. Wonder what he thought they were, large dogs maybe.

My girlfriend has two dogs which she brings over to play with Mr. Black quite regularly. One is a huge dog and you should see them play. Mr. Black can jump so high it is amazing. His muscles are so well defined. He is a fine looking animal.

We would like to get Mr. Black a "dog" buddy and are still considering a female "Mountain Dog". Mr. Chen, how much would a puppy be? Can you ship them on an airplane alone?

Mr. Black continues to sleep with my daughter. If her door is closed and he's ready to go to bed he will sit by the door and "sigh" very loud until someone lets him in. He is so funny sometimes.

We are going to put an "invisible" fence around 5 of our acres for Mr. Black to run in. It works with a "shock" collar. If he gets too close to the boundary he gets a warning "beep" and if he still gets closer he gets a little "shock". He is a smart dog so I am sure he will train easily. We have to tie Mr. Black now as he started running when we let him out. He just doesn't understand he can't run like that and once he is free he just won't come back to me. He will turn and look and me and then just bounce away and come back when he's good and ready. There is a girl dog across they road and they became buddies and started running together so we had to start tieing him up so as not to bother our neighbors. We do live out in the country and there's lots of room here on our property. Once we get the fence in he should be a happy, happy dog.

My kids want to train Mr. Black to run "an obsticle" course. They watched a dog show on TV where they were doing this as a competition and they think Mr. Black would be a winner as he is so fast and agile. I'm going to look into it as it would be a fun thing for the family to do together and I'm sure Mr. Black would love the challenge. Need to keep him in shape, can't have a fat Mountain Dog!

Well, I guess I've brought you up to speed with us and Mr. Black. I hope you are doing well and your dogs are all healthy. I hope to hear from you soon.

Your friend,

Jo Desmond
